Power equipment, such as lawn mowers can make a high-speed projectile out of sticks, stones, and small toys. Be careful to clear the lawn before mowing - and insist that children and pets stay clear.
Be especially cautious when cutting slopes, to prevent falling and losing control. Try not to mow when the grass is wet and slippery. If children mow, be sure they understand the importance of safety. Power edger’s and weed-eaters should be used with the same care. Safety glasses are also recommended when using power equipment of any kind.
After attending to yard needs you may feel like jumping into the pool. Pool safety comes into play in the summertime. Make sure everyone knows to lock up the pool area. Test all children before permitting them to swim and be sure the neighborhood parents know your safety rules. Go over your pool rules and safety procedures with babysitters and enforce a strict “buddy system”.
Yes, the summer months are here with the days longer and a lot happening. With the extra fun of summer be sure to make time for extra poll and power equipment safety.
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