10 Tips to De-Clutter Your Work Place

1. Annually (or semi-annually) set a date for an official company-wide purging day.
2. Begin with your desk using the “Finger-Tip Management” system.
Imagine 3 circles around your desk:
A = Most frequently used. (Can reach easily while seated.)
B = Used from time to time. (Must stand or stretch to reach.)
C = Least frequently used. (Must take steps to reach.)
3. When purging papers stay focused – you’re “weeding, not reading”.
4. Ask the following 3 questions when purging paper:
a. Did you remember you had it before now?
b. If you get rid of it, could you find it again from another source?
c. If you decided to keep it, will you know where to find it?
5. Reference Paper Retention information for what to keep and what to toss.
6. Shred any papers that contain company or personal information.
7. Archive as much as possible by removing papers from immediate space and storing off-site and/or scan and shred original documents.
8. Set up a Tickler system for papers that do not need immediate attention.
Tickler system:
- A set of files or an accordion file January – December
- A set of files or an accordion file 1 – 31
*File papers in the month they are due. The first of each month take papers from that month and sort into days of the month file(s). Every day look in the file of the day for what needs attention that day.
9. Make purging a habit by routinely taking the last 15 min. of each day to purge and organize your desk, a file, a shelf, a drawer, etc.
10.Make major purging and organizing a yearly project in your office.
Related Article: The Grand Rapids Press
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