How organized are you? Sometimes you know in your head that it makes sense to “clean the house” or “clean your desk” but a little voice in your head keeps feeding you excuses.
What can you do about that little voice? Have you ever said, “I’ve been meaning to ---”?
Some people suffer from an inability to make and act on decisions, and that’s a root cause of disorganization. Make a commitment to get personally and completely organized. Put it on the top of your priority list, and then act on it. You’ll thank yourself when you feel all that breathing space in your formerly cluttered life.
But, you say, “I’ve never been good at organizing.” This is irrelevant. Few people are naturally good at organizing. It’s a learned skill. People who are good at organizing recognize that it takes effort to maintain organization. Things don’t just happen to get out of order or lost. You can control clutter if you’re committed to work at it, and get systems for order in place.
Another frequently used excuse is, “I don’t know where to get started.” Attend a good seminar, take notes and put the ideas into practice. That little voice keeps making excuses. “I have so many other things to do.” Well sure you do, and that’s why it’s so important to get organized!
An organized person has the time to do what’s important. He or she chooses to pass up things that aren’t and, as a result, doesn’t feel so anxious or frustrated about getting things done.
One last excuse: “Organizing will take too much time.” Initially it may take one concentrated weekend and/or several week nights to get organized, but think how much time you’ve already wasted running around in circles! Remember, every minute you spend planning you’ll save three or four minutes later.
If you’re still not convinced you can do this on your own you can always contact a Professional Organizer to stand beside you and coach you toward better organization in your life. (Sometimes I jokingly call this “Rent a Nag!”) To find one in your area you can make your request contact us to see if we have an organizer in our network that lives in your area.
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